Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Try to Live Everyday as if it was the Final Day of [Your] Extraordinary Ordinary Life."

My title post, though it may seem quite unfitting at first, really hit me a few days ago. This quote, from the film "About Time" (an amazing film!) really stuck with me after watching it. In the movie, the main character is a time traveler. In the end, he realizes that life is amazing enough even without time travel. That being besides the point...

Almost every day for the past couple weeks has been very, very, very stressful. When writing one to two 7 page research essays a week, a person can easily become distressed to the point of wanting to cry (I've been at that point many times). The work builds up, the sleep disappears, and the challenges just keep coming (the rain doesn't help either). But I've learned that I can't give up. I'm almost half way done with the term, and that terrifies me. I don't know how I'm doing on my secondary tutorial or my primary either, for that case. I just keep writing essays, not knowing if I'm doing well or not. It's rough.

This morning, I woke up earlier than usual, half by intention and half by the amazingly loud fire alarm test that happens every Thursday morning when I'm attempting to sleep. Anyways, I woke up early, with two hours before my first lecture. While I usually hate waking up early, it was really pleasant for once. I was able to take my time getting ready, drink a nice warm cup of coffee, soak in the silence, and write a few postcards to people back home. Little did I know how enjoyable this made my morning. I went to lecture awake and refreshed, even though it was only 10am.

My experience this morning made me realize something: Even in the stress of my program, amidst all the hard essay work, I need to take time to relax and reflect on life. I've also realized that I shouldn't sit in my room all the time. I need to get out and explore more. I mean, I'm in England! I should be spending every spare moment (more like every spare break in work) to get out and see the country. I should study in the libraries, admiring the number of books that Oxford has. With 9 weeks left in my program, I've decided that I am going to make the most of it. 

These are my goals for the rest of the program:
1) Do well on my essays
2) But don't spend too much time stressing over them
3) Enjoy the mile long walk to lecture everyday
4) Or, as you might say, take time to smell the roses (or pet the dogs?)
5) Enjoy the daily rain that falls
6) Thank God for the rain he provides 
7) Walk in the sprinkling rain and let it run down my face
8) But remember an umbrella, just in case
9) And a raincoat and wellies
10) Visit the attractions within Oxford
11) Visit the tourist towns in the UK
12) Go to Paris
13) Stop stressing about life
14) Look forward to the next essay, rather than dread it
15) Work ahead
16) Get plenty of sleep
17) But not too much (preferably around the 8 hr. mark)
18) Wake up earlier
19) Go to bed earlier
20) Interact with the Brits
21) Realize where I am
22) Take advantage of the fact that I'm in Oxford
23) And that I even had the opportunity to come here
24) Soak it all in
25) Live everyday as if it was the final day of my extraordinary ordinary life!

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